1. My week has been so busy that I just realized my last blog post was 7 days ago. What is the deal with that?! (Well, I'll tell you what the deal with that is: kids, cleaning, groceries, homework, soccer, putting Liam in time out. All things that take up a huge chunk of my time.)
2. On Tuesday I got the chance to chaperon my first field trip with Noah's class. I joined all 4 kindergarten classes and rode the bus to Caw Caw Interpretive Center to explore nature. Noah's class is doing a unit on bugs and Caw Caw was the perfect place to experience bugs. (Seriously, we were attacked by gnats and mosquitoes all morning.) They also got to go on nature walks where they saw snakes, bugs, frogs, and even several alligators. Most of the alligators were babies but we did experience a rather big guy on one of our walks. We were strolling, and I was chatting with Noah's teacher, when all the sudden she gasped and pointed. The line of children stopped and we all stared in awe - and a little fear - at this guy.
And, just for giggles, here is a picture of Noah wearing his honey bee mask. Immediately after this the class did a "Bee dance" which turned into all the boys in the class running around like fools while the girls danced. Typical.
The field trip was such a fun experience for me! Noah was so excited that I came and held my hand everywhere we went. He was also really stoked to get to sit by me on the bus and even fell asleep in my lap on the drive back to school. I am soaking it all up now because I am sure that the day is coming when he will not want a thing to do with me in front of his friends.
Oh, and while I was with Noah, Liam got to go to school and then play with his buddy Harper until I got home. This meant he had no nap at all. Well, this is what happens at 5pm on a day when you've had no nap and played hard with friends.
3. Speaking of Liam. That child is lucky he made it all the way to Friday without me losing my mind. Even though his birthday is not until next month, I have gone ahead and diagnosed him as having a case of Early Onset Terrible Twos. The symptoms are as follows: Screaming, crying, fits of anger and rage, throwing random objects at people's heads, jumping off of furniture, ubiquitous use of the word No, refusing to do anything I ask, and generally being a royal pain in the ass. At this time, there are no known cures.
4. The weather here as been AMAZING! Highs in the 80's and sunshine. I am getting a serious taste in my mouth for summer. I am having visions of the pool and the beach and refreshing beverages and no schedule to follow. Can. Not.Wait.
5. Yesterday, I almost had a mental breakdown - for many reasons - and so I headed to yoga to de-stress myself. Instead of feeling all calm and focused though, I spent half the class trying not to crack up. I was standing next to this guy, and at first I though he was a super serious yogi. (Usually, the length of a man's shorts will tell you how serious he is about his practice, and this guy had on some seriously short shorts.) However, as soon as class started he was wobbling and fidgeting, and falling over, and chugging water in a serious way. (FYI, all things that are NOT the signs of a yoga master.) Then he just kept flopping on his mat in exhaustion and just laying there, through 2 or 3 postures at a time. He was almost like a Saturday Night Live character or something. I decided that God was trying to tell me that what I needed at the end of my stressful day was a good laugh. Well, mission accomplished.
6. Four words for you: The Hunger Games movie. Bam! Who else is going this weekend?
Chocolate Almond Flour Protein Bars
2 days ago