Sometimes when I pick up Liam from school his teacher says to me, "He is 2 going on 10!"
That is a fact.
Now, don't get me wrong. He can throw a 2 year old temper tantrum with the best of them. (And he does, every night when he screams about how he doesn't want to go to bed.) But, in his head he seriously believes he is as old as his big brother - if not older. If Noah gets to watch Star Wars then so does he. If Noah can run for 2 miles, then he should totally be able to as well. When a child bullies Noah at the park, it is Liam who takes him down by throwing a stick to the neck. (Not that I am endorsing violence, but the boy can defend himself!) When it comes time to wrestling and light-saber fights, it is Liam who is master. He is 30 pounds of fearless, crazy boy!
And the things that he says?! For instance the other day...
Liam: "Mama, I want a donut."
Me: "Liam all the donuts are gone."
Liam: "Why?"
Me: "Because we ate them all."
Liam: (after a thoughtful pause) "You ate them all downstairs while I was taking a nap?"
Or the other night when he wanted to watch Star Wars....
Liam: "Daddy I want to watch the other part! The part with Princess Leia!"
Wes: "Liam, which part?"
Liam: "The part where Princess Leia takes her shirt off!"
Oh, you mean this Liam?
Jeez. Maybe he is 2 going on 16!
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