Monday, August 3, 2009

"Fly Snuka!"

Over the weekend our friends the Bedenbaughs came from St. Louis for a visit. We haven't seen Jeremy and Amy for almost two years and we hadn't yet meant their newest addition Baby Sam. (Sadly, 3 year old Jude was at his Grandma's house and couldn't come be Noah's playmate. We wish he could have come but we do understand how the Grandmas get about seeing their grandchildren!)

We had a great time visiting and catching up over wine and cigars and Noah had a great time learning wrestling moves from Mr. Jeremy. His favorite was the move that Jeremy told him was based on Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka. Basically you start out with a jump...

Followed by landing on top of your opponent, who then gives the "double pump"....

And sends you flying through the air to crash on the couch!

It was quite the hit, and Noah spent the whole weekend begging Jeremy to play his new favorite game, "Fly Snuka".

We also spent some time at the beach. We drove out to Morris Island Lighthouse (yes, Jeremy it was worth the drive!) and wandered on the beach at sunset. It was really beautiful and we lamented the fact that we hadn't thought to bring the wine with us to the beach! Noah had a great time running around in the waves and Sam enjoyed being there, despite not being a fan of the wind.

And look, you can even do Fly Snuka at the beach!

We left as it was getting dark - and Noah was getting cranky - but I couldn't pass up taking a picture with this guy on the way out.

Sadly Noah missed out on all the Mr T action as he was completely passed out.
We were sad to see the weekend be over - thanks Bedenbaughs, for making the trip to see us. We had a blast! See you in Memphis for the half!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a cute picture of Noah asleep on Wes's shoulder. And, how sad am I that I missed the Bedenbaughs trip to Charleston! We were in Mountville for the weekend anyway, but I would have loved to see them. It's been WAY longer than 2 years for me--well, since Cy's wedding where I saw Jeremy. Sounds like y'all had fun!