Saturday, December 15, 2012


Well hello there!

You know how, when you haven't talked to someone in a long time and you really want to call them up and reconnect, but you know that there will be so much to catch up on that it exhausts you just thinking about it? So, you don't call, you just curl up on the couch with a glass of wine and watch bad TV instead? Yep, that's me and this blog.

Life sure has moved fast between my last post in September and today. I know I made a promise that I would keep this blog updated with family stuff, but I didn't do it. Heck, I haven't blogged period in forever! This family is busy - in a good way - but definitely in a way that hasn't allowed for much free time to recap what we have been up to.

So I will try to recap the past 3 months now. (How do you even do that?!?) Okay, the short version, here goes....

Work, school, soccer, work, school, homework. Sleep, work, occasionally clean the house, try to workout and fail miserably, more work, more school. Holidays, work on stressful Christmas program with preschoolers, have play dates with friends to maintain sanity, school, homework.... Well, you get the picture. And that really is the short story folks! I won't get into the nitty gritty details of the long story but, suffice it to say, we are ready for a much needed break for Christmas.

And because my brain is fried and I am struggling with my words, here are some pictures from the last 3 months.

I am promise that I will be back here more. Even if my Mom is the only one reading this anymore (hey Mom!) I don't care. This is my place to store memories. My frantic life has not allowed me much physical or mental exercise lately and I am changing that now. I will be running. I will be writing. I will be finding a way to get back to the things that keep me sane!

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