Friday, December 7, 2007

Turd Ferguson's Midnight Escapade

Wes and I are discovering that our son has a dual personality. There is sweet Noah who gives kisses and hugs. The Noah who belly laughs and yells "Momma, Daddy" when we come in the door. He listens and does as he is told and eats all his dinner. Then there is his other personality......This little guy has rage issues. He gets red in the face and hits the wall when he is frustrated. He is also the one who has been staying up for 3 and 4 hour chunks of time at night. Wes and I call him Turd Ferguson. (This moniker comes from some old school Adam Sandler movie)

So anyway, last night Turd decided to wake up at 11:30 and scream his brains out. Our usual policy when he wakes up (which he usually doesn't do) is to let him scream it out. But last night he was screaming so loudly that we were afraid the people in our apartment building would call social services. Wes went in for an hour or so and tried to get him back to sleep but nothing worked. Finally he gave up and I told him to sleep, I would give it a go. When I got in the room Noah was kicking the sides of the crib and screaming like a girl. I took him out and tried to hold him and rock him in the chair but he would have none of it. All he wanted to do was get down and play. I knew we were in trouble when he started playing with his shadow - running back and forth, waving his arms and laughing. Then he pulled all his books off the shelf and proceeded to "read" them to me one by one. I decided I would lay on my pillow on the floor, close my eyes, and let him play until he tired himself out but that was not part of his plan. He kept lifting my head off the pillow and onto his lap to make sure that I was listening to the stories he was "reading". After at least an hour I thought maybe I could get by with putting him in the crib with his books and maybe he would be quiet. WRONG! He immediately started screaming and kicking so I took him back out and put him on the floor. He was so worked up by then that he just kept screaming and kicking - at the air - pulling his hair. Finally he kicked so hard - at the air - that he lost his footing and fell over backwards. I was so delusional that all I could do was laugh like a crazy person at little Turd Ferguson lying on his back pitching a fit. This was how Wes found us when he came into the room.

Noah finally reemerged and fell asleep a little while later. Wes and I salvaged a few hours and managed to stumble through the next day - barely functioning. We are hoping that the next few nights will be uneventful so we can catch up on our sleep. I just thought that our friends and family should share in our frustrations by hearing this story, and for those of you expecting your own babies soon - sorry Andrea and Emily - just shake you head and reassure yourself that our child is crazy and that your child will never put you through a night like that!


The Lovealls said...

Oh my goodness...that is all i can say. Oh my goodness. Not sweet Noah. He did not do that? JK. Thanks for the heads up on parenting!

Unknown said...

That's interesting. Lindsey and I have never seen anything like that before in Jonathan. Ah flip, I can't even say that with a straight face - just wait until Noah tries to run away from you and runs smack dab into a wall.

Kelly Shealy said...

Did it knock him out when he hit the wall? If so, next time its 2:00 am I may guide Noah towards a wall!! -W