On Saturday Wes and I were looking for something to do with Noah that was fun and, more importantly, free so we decided we would head downtown and explore. Noah hasn't spent much time anywhere except the farmer's market so we thought it would be a good opportunity to introduce him to the real Charleston! We drove down and parked on Broad Street (without feeding the meter of course - remember we wanted 'free'!) and let Noah pick which way he wanted to walk. He took off, carrying Little Duck, and we were on a mission. He would come to a corner and scream "this way!" and we would have to run to keep up with him!
We went in circles around Church and State streets for awhile before Wes and I politely "suggested" that we head in a new direction. Not to worry though, we have mastered the art of making Noah think that our ideas are actually his ideas which helps us avoid tantrums. We pointed him in the directions of St. Phillips Church, which he called "the big church" and he really enjoyed that. He was actually mad when we couldn't go inside. Oh, and he liked to look through the fence at the graveyard which he decided was a zoo! If I believed in ghosts I would have been seriously afraid that we had offended some spirits!
After that we headed to the market in hot pursuit of the horses pulling a carriage of tourists. Despite how it seems from behind the wheel of my car, the carriage was too fast for us and Noah got a little upset that we couldn't catch the horse to pet him. We distracted him by heading over to Waterfront Park and checking out the view of the harbor.
Here we are checking out the water....
.....and here is my moment of terror when I thought Duck might be going for a swim!
Looking at the dolphins in the harbor. And yes, in case you're wondering, Noah's head did get stuck in the bars. We had to wedge it out and he was NOT happy!
When Noah finally got tired of walking he hitched a ride on Wes' shoulders and enjoyed the view!
"Hmm, why didn't I ride in luxury the whole way? This is a sweet deal!"
Of course, Noah being Noah, he got bored and tried to pull the sunglasses off of Wes' face. We headed back to the car soon after that. We have decided that if we ever need some cash we will have Noah give guided walking tours of Charleston. Surely there are some gullible tourists out there who would eat that up!
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