Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun

For Halloween this year Noah spent 3 weeks insisting that he be a ghost. Fine by me I thought. That is a simple costume to attain. Cut some eye holes in a white sheet and, voila, instant ghost. Except that with Noah things are never that easy. Two days before Halloween he declared that the sheet was "too stinky" and that he would not wear it over his head. So off to Party City where he picked, (insert eye rolling here) a Nascar driver costume. But being the good mother that I am I rolled with it. And good thing too because the minute he put on the costume he was in love!

On Saturday he was very excited to put on his costume, grab his ghost bag, and head out the door to join his friends from some trick-or-treat fun. We tried to get his picture with Bebe before we headed out but he was a little too crazy to cooperate. See.....

Anyway, we meant all the neighborhood kids on the corner for a photo op.....

...and then we were off! Perhaps in keeping with the theme of his costume, Noah adopted Ricky Bobby's motto of "If you're not first, you're last" and set out at breakneck speed at the front of the pack. Pretty soon he and his buddy Nicholas had left everyone in the dust in their effort to see who could collect candy the fastest. Of course, I should have expected no less from my little speedy Gonzales!
After going around to many houses - and getting extremely hot and sweaty in our polyester costume - it was time to call it a night. Noah finally headed home to enjoy the spoils of the hunt.
Hope everybody had a fun Halloween!

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