Friday, January 30, 2009

Cupcakes and Doughnuts

Noah and I had a really fun day today. We spent most of the morning out with Nana downtown. We took Noah to the Children's Museum where he spent the better part of an hour playing in the room with the boats and the water. I truly believe he would have stayed all day if we had let him! As we were leaving Noah looked around, realized where we were and said, "Let's get a cupcake!"

How he knew that we were downtown near Cupcake is beyond me. He is like my own personal GPS device - especially when it comes to things like dessert.

So anyway, we took him to Cupcake and he got a vanilla cupcake with chocolate icing and sprinkles, and proceeded to inform me, "Mama, this is lunch!"

I am waiting with bated breathe to receive my Mother of the Year award.

And on top of that Wes, Noah, and I made a trip to Krispy Kreme after dinner tonight. At least Noah was really only interested in watching the assembly line of doughnuts - he barely touched the one we bought him.
See, he was only holding it up to pose for pictures and then he handed it back to me. I guess he had consumed enough sugar for the day.

I am so happy to have days like this. No tantrums, just enjoying fun outings with Noah and being ever amused with his take on the world!

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