Monday, October 13, 2008

Wicked Weekend

Oh my, we are at it again!

This past weekend I drove up to Atlanta to spend the weekend with my Mom and sister and we went to see the musical Wicked. It. was. AWESOME! I had read the book and enjoyed it, but the musical was even better. I bought the soundtrack and am working on learning the words to all the songs. The thing that I liked best - besides the music and beautiful sets - was the message of the story. It was all about perspective and our perception of people, and how very often we are completely wrong in our opinions. It also dealt a lot with how, as a society, we often have our truth fed to us by those in charge. There was a quote in the show that went something like, "Truth is not facts or logic. Truth is simply what everyone agrees on as true." It sounds very postmodern but I think it is a valid point, especially right now with all of the presidential election drama in our country. If you listen to the news all you get are soundbites and innuendo that often lead you to false conclusions. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican I think that it is important that we guard against accepting agreed upon truths and make sure that we research and learn for ourselves what the facts are, so that we can have the most accurate perspective of both candidates.

On a lighter note, I recommend everyone see this show. It is wonderfully entertaining and fun! Here are a few pictures of us posing in our cheesy souvenir t-shirts!

1 comment:

The Lovealls said...

I've seen WICKED too and LOVED it! Glad you had a fun weekend! :)