I am not going to lie; I am struggling with the ability to blog these days. But you knew that didn't you?
There is a ton going on with us right now, and I feel like there is a ton that I have to talk about... And yet, at the same time, there are just certain things that have to take a backseat in my life right now. Cleaning my house, extra play dates, folding laundry, and blogging (to name a few).
But I will not let that stop me from posting some pictures from Liam's 3rd birthday party! We celebrated on his actual birthday of course, but didn't have his party until this weekend. The plan for the party was exciting. We rented the Children's Museum after hours on Friday and invited friends from school and our neighborhood, plus family, to join us for chicken nuggets, cake, and plenty of time to play! Both Liam and Noah were very excited about it, which made what happened Friday afternoon so sad. Noah came home from school with a 102 degree fever and sore throat. (It had been going around his school and I was just praying he wouldn't get it!) I went back and forth for a while, but all along I knew what the answer was. He was going to have to miss the party. Once he realized that, he started crying, and then I started crying, and poor Wes was left trying to calm everybody down. (Well, not everybody. Liam was perfectly happy running around the house yelling, "I got an Angry Birds cake! For my party!!") We ended up leaving Noah at the house (with my father-in-law who offered to stay and play video games with him) which was very hard. It was so difficult to have one child so excited for something while knowing that my other one was so disappointed. Such is the life a mom I guess. I pulled up my big girl panties and put on a smile for Liam. And, once we got there my fake smile turned into a real smile. I knew that Noah would be OK eventually, and that this was special for Liam and I would enjoy it for that!
And it was special. Having the whole place to ourselves was amazing, especially for Liam who always seems intimidated by the crowds when we usually go. He was beyond exciting to hit up the boat/water room when we got there!
And once his friends starting arriving the excitement was amped up even more.
He was having such a fun time playing that he wasn't all that thrilled when it was time to have his birthday parade (complete with musical instruments) back to the party room for cake. How dare we suggest he stop playing?!
However, once he saw the cake, and realized he could keep the figures on the top, he snapped out of it.
And then of course, he spied the gift pile, and the present opening frenzy begun. All his friends were so sweet, giving him all his favorite things, and he was very excited to open each one.
I tend to get very overwhelmed amidst that kind of chaos. I felt like he ripped into them all, paper flying everywhere, in a manner of seconds with barely enough time to hear me encourage him to thank everybody. So, if you were there and you are reading this: Thank You. Thanks for coming to his party and celebrating with him. Thanks for the thoughtful presents. And thanks for making his night special!
And now... Well, its the calm before another crazy week. Not to mention we are starting it off with a sick child and all that that entails. My prayer if for patience and a calm attitude over the next several weeks before school ends. You may not hear much from me between now and then. Hopefully when it all calms down I will be able to sit down in this space once again and share my crazy ramblings again!
Chocolate Almond Flour Protein Bars
3 days ago
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