Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bebe Visits Florida

This past week was my Mom's spring break, so she drove down to sunny Florida to see us. Well, to see Noah! Noah was very excited that his Bebe was in town - he always gets the royal treatment from any grandparent. We did all sorts of fun things during Bebe's visit. She went to Gymboree with us, we took Noah to the park, and most fun of all - we took some trips to the beach. Noah has not spent much time at the beach (despite what you would think,all the beaches are pretty far from us). He was very unsure of it at first. He hates to be dirty so the sand really bugged him and he was very upset about getting any part of himself wet. He kept running back to our towels and grabbing his stuff and saying, "go car, go car?" It wasn't until Bebe taught him to throw the sand that he decided the beach might be cool. Pretty soon he was scooping up big handfuls of sand and running down to the water and throwing it in. He even ventured in to the water up to his knees and ended up having a great time! He also enjoyed chasing the birds (an activity he did not learn from his mother!) and was very upset when we had to leave. All in all, Noah had a great time playing with Bebe, and Wes and I enjoyed a few outings just the two of us. So, we all had a great week!

Noah trying to decide is he should follow Mommy into the water.

Noah and Daddy watch the boats.

Noah throwing sand into the water.

By the end of our second day a confident Noah leads Bebe out into the water!

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