Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Day in the Life of Noah

I have a ton of really cute pictures of Noah that aren't tied to a particular event and I was wondering how to post them on this blog. I realized that when you put them all together they basically give you a "day in the life" experience. So here goes...enjoy!

Noah watching morning cartoons on Disney. I love this picture because he actually turned to the camera and gave me a big cheesy grin.
This is Noah playing on the equipment at his Gymboree class. He loves go down the slides and crawl through the tunnels.
Noah hanging out with Mommy - as we do everyday! He likes to put his arm around my neck when we talk. Its so sweet!
In the afternoons we like to play with all our toys. In this pictures he had his toy screwdriver and was pretending to be Handy Manny. He says, "I'm Manny!" - and apparently the faceplate on our light switch needed unscrewing!
Every afternoon we wait at the door for Daddy to come home. Once he changes his clothes we are out the door to either play on the playground or blow bubbles. Noah says, "Bubbles go to sky, sky is blue!"
At the end of everyday we run excitedly to the bathroom to brush our teeth and take a bath. He loves to brush with his Cars toothbrush. (We don't usually sit in the sink - this was a particularly goofy day!)

1 comment:

McKee said...

I love the sink picture! What a cutie!