Well, we made it. Wes is home from his trip and Noah and I are both excited to see him! But, I'll tell you, having Noah by myself for so long was way easier than I thought it would be! I think part of it is that the older he gets the easier it is to communicate with each other. Also, and let's be honest, he is just more fun than he used to be. Here is my list of the top 10 things I love about Noah:
#10 - He is so organized. He always picks up his toys and loves to put everything in a straight line. A child after my own heart!
#9 - He has a mind like a steel trap. He only has to hear something once and he has it down. We have been learning colors and he can name the color of every car that drives past us in traffic!
#8 - He gets really concerned if he thinks someone is hurt or upset. Even if it is a total stranger or a character in a movie. It is really sweet.
#7 - He says "later" instead of "bye", and sometimes calls people "dude"
#6 - He likes to help me do things: sweep, load the dishwasher, etc. If only that would last into the teenage years.
#5 - He has become a huge fan of the beach. I believe we will be having a lot of fun there together this summer.
#4 - At bedtime he says "ove, you!" (love you) and blows me a kiss.
#3 - He is a total flirt with girls - which I may not love so much later in life - but right now it is pretty cute!
#2 - He loves anything that I love. For instance he will watch running events with me on the computer (because they are never televised) and cheer on all my favorites......
and...#1 - This morning, while watching distance runner Shalane Flanagan (who is young and blond) break the American record for the women's 10,000m he looked up at me with a huge grin and said: "Its Momma runnin!" Could he be any sweeter! Confusing me with someone who can run 6 miles in 30:34? Well that definitely gets him an extra cookie at snack time!
One Pot Thai Peanut Sauce Noodles
5 hours ago
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