Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Last Wednesday was Noah's last day of preschool. I remember dropping him off when he was 2 - kicking and screaming, by the way - and I was not emotional about it all. I knew it would be a good experience for him and I was desperate for a little time to myself, and so I was very calm about my son beginning preschool. Fast forward almost 3 years and it was a different story. The ending of preschool was very emotional for me! I can't believe he is moving on to "real" school! That we are leaving behind the innocent days of ABC's and snack time and singing songs about Jesus. I hate that next year I will be forced to pick him up in the car line rather than walk in to get him and chat with all the other families and the teachers. I will miss the fact that in preschool they learn Bible versus and pray before they eat. And the teachers - we will really miss the teachers! Plus, going to Kindergarten next year will be irrefutable proof that my little boy is growing up way too fast. 

His school didn't make it any easier on me. They had a whole Graduation Ceremony complete with cap and gown. (Are you trying to rip my heart out?!) Seriously though it was very cute. They sang some songs first. Even one about an alligator where they wore alligator hats.

That's Noah in the front row, in the blue. (Always in the front row when you're a shorty!) Then they filed out to put on their caps and gowns and the parents were treated to a little video presentation entitled, "When I Grow Up".  This may have been my favorite part. The director of the school interviewed each of the kids about what they wanted to be when they grew up. They all said things like doctor, teacher, princess, superhero, etc. Then it was Noah's turn. The conversation went something like this:

Director: "Noah, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Noah: "A paleontologist!"

Director: "Wow! I can't believe you even know that word. What is a paleontologist Noah?"

Noah: "It's a dinosaur man who studies dinosaurs and studies fossils and stuff!"

She then tried to say thank and good bye but Noah totally interrupted with some long winded tale about how he had some fossils at home and how his Mom was going to hide them in the back yard for him to find like a real paleontologist. Everyone in the audience was dying laughing - Wes and I had tears running down our faces. It was so adorable!

After that video the kids came in down the center aisle of the sanctuary in their cap and gowns. 

Then they each came forward individually to receive their "diplomas" from their teachers.

After the ceremony we went back to their classroom for cake and punch. They each got a little graduation present from their teacher and the parents got a framed photo of their child in the cap and gown. As usual, we were the last people to leave the classroom (we like to chat!) and on the way out we snapped some pictures with his teacher, Mrs. Lighthart. She is too cute - and will forever be the standard that Noah uses to measure other teachers!

And so preschool is over. It was an awesome experience for Noah (and all of us really!).

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