Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nine Months Old

Liam went to the doctor yesterday for his 9 month check. It was very uneventful really. We have already discovered that the secret to keeping him from sinus and ear infections lay in finally getting him on allergy medicine. One week on Zyrtec and bam, the longest period of time that he has been well since Thanksgiving. (Huge sigh of relief.) I was tempted to ask him about Liam not being a good sleeper and then realized that the doctor probably couldn't do anything about it - and most likely would NOT endorse spiking his bedtime bottle - so I just left well enough alone.

The only issue I brought up was the fact that he is really fighting me with food right now. He is sooooo stubborn at mealtime and is not wanting to eat what I give him from a spoon. He will try to grab the spoon from me and if that fails he simply closes his mouth and shakes his head back and forth. He does like to pick up small bites of food on his own, but as I told the doctor, his lack of dexterity is such that about 1 in every 10 pieces actually makes it to his mouth. The doctor told me his desire to feed himself independently was actually a developmental milestone - one that he had reached earlier than most children. "It's actually a sign that he is very mature".

Ohhh! So what you're telling me is that of all the developmental milestones I am dying for him to reach my child chose to strive for "Stubborn". Just like his big brother. I am so proud.

Hi Mom! Look at my cute little (stubborn) face!

Another conversation of note.......

Doctor: "Well, he may have lost a pound from being so mobile and not eating as much, but his height is great. He is 29 inches which is really tall for his age. How tall is Dad?"

Me: "Um, 5 feet, 5inches." 

Doctor: "Hmm." (confused expression)

Me: "Yeah, that should taper off soon."

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