Please keep in mind that these scenes will all be presented in "word pictures" as I did not bust out my camera once this weekend. Sorry.
1. Friday night I went to yoga. (Wes had reserves this whole weekend and I think I knew that I needed a little zen to keep get me through.) Of course, like every other time in my life, I was late getting there. My friend Jess and I were not sure at all if we would make it in time, and we were terrified of having to put our mats inside the "Circle of Death". (We have bestowed that name on the inner portion of the yoga room where, when it is 105 degrees with 65% humidity, you feel like you are going to just boil alive. The worst class I ever had was in the circle of death and I have vowed never to go back.) Lucky for us, we made it just in time to place our mats in a primo spot at the front of the room. It was good juju all around cause I had a fantastic class. We even got complemented by the instructor at one point for doing one of the postures "perfectly synchronized". I almost replied sarcastically with, "Yeah, we practice at home" but I wasn't sure how sarcasm would be received at yoga.
2. Saturday Wes went to the base (at an ungodly early hour) and I began my weekend with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. Dumb has an ear infection and Dee has a cough so my plan was to lay low. Of course, that translated to a lot of TV. And video games. And then more TV. Well sorry, but I'm not sorry. We go hard all the time and if my boys spend one day completely vegging out I guess its not the end of the world. The only downside was that Noah discovered a really old school Super Mario Show on Netflix that he insists on watching all the time. It is terrible!!! So terrible I was actually begging them to watch Thomas the Train instead.
3. When Wes got home Saturday evening, we finally got around to putting up our outside lights. The boys and I helped Wes as he strung the lights. By "helped" I mean this: I watched Liam like a hawk to make sure he didn't run into the street and Noah pulled his pants all the way up his legs and ran around our front yard in circles screaming, "I have underwear pants, underwear pants!" My kids are so normal.
4. Sunday I went to a baby shower for my friend Joy. (Major shout out to our babysitter, Miss Kelly, who was at our house twice this weekend!) Of course, I was late getting all my stuff for the shower together and then almost late getting there, and once I finally stood still to relax I realized it was 2pm and I had forgotten to eat any lunch. So I had one of every cookie that was at the shower. That is a valid meal, right? It was a fun time with friends though and a I was glad I got to go!
5. Got home last night, was incredibly bothered that the bulb in one of our window candles had gone out, rendering our lighting scheme uneven, and couldn't wait a single second longer to fix that problem. (I am a little neurotic about things being symmetrical. Whatever, nobody's perfect.) I convinced Wes we had to go to Lowe's right away so we gathered Dee and Dumb and headed out. Then Noah suggested that because Lowe's rhymes with Moe's we should probably go eat at Moe's. And since my lunch was cookies, I didn't argue too hard.
6. Got bulbs at Lowe's and watched in horror as my night began to swiftly deteriorate. Liam stood in the cart and slammed the front part - the part with the seat that folds up - back and forth as hard as he could while screaming at the top of his lungs. Ten seconds later, Noah's fingers were in the wrong place at the wrong time and all hell broke loose. We paid as quickly as possible and ran to the car.
7. Picture this please.... Riding home in the car. It is dark. Noah is still whining about his finger. Liam is screaming at the top of his lungs in intervals. (SCREAM - breathe - SCREAM - breathe, etc.) Wes is trying to talk to me but I have no idea what he is saying even though he is a foot and a half away. Finally, I kind of lose my mind and turn around and SCREAM at the top of my lungs in Liam's face. He screams back. I scream again. Then him, then me. It is not productive I know, but I sure feel better. Then Noah starts wailing, "Stop it. Everybody stop, I can't take it anymore!" Then I hear the seat belt alarm go off and I look over to see that Wes has unbuckled and is making motions like he is going to open the door and jump out as we go down 17 south at 60mph.
8. Stuck in the house with my kids most of the weekend, plus that scene in the car, leads me to be very grateful that it is Sunday night and they are in bed and a new week is about to start. Oh, and for the bottle of Two Buck Chuck that my husband wisely opeded for me. Phew!
Chocolate Almond Flour Protein Bars
3 days ago
You seriously crack me up girl! So glad to know I am not the only mom that lets their kids watch 3+ hours of tv, and has screaming matches with her boys! Carson and I go at it all the time like that :)
Ha! It really is good to know that we are all in the same boat, huh? I was wondering if I was the only person who ever did those things! Glad our crazy antics can make someone laugh :)
Was the Mario show one with real, middle-aged men dressed up as Mario and Luigi? Because I walked into the living room the other day to find Cy and Gemma watching some horrible Mario show on Netflix featuring creepy middle-aged men. It kinda freaked me out.
Yes! That is exactly what he is watching. Sweaty, creepy, middle age men who don't even really look like Mario and Luigi - I cannot understand the appeal!!!!
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