Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Facts

1. Liam and I have both had an irritating cold over the past week, but we are both finally in the clear. And just in time for a 4-day weekend! Thanks Presidents Day :)

2. We had a great Valentine's Day. Wes was super sweet and had flowers and a fun gift waiting for me when I  woke up.

The boys each had successful class parties where they excitedly passed out their Valentines. Liam was especially stoked to hand out the Heart Shaped crayons that he and I made for his classmates.

Didn't they turn out cute?! And, to top it off, our Star Wars viewing and breakfast for dinner was a big hit. I don't think I have ever seen Noah more excited than when they opened their present. He started screaming, "It's Episodes 1,2, AND 3!!!" All in all, it was a fun day!

3. In related news, I now know way more about Star Wars than I ever wanted to know. Seriously.

4. I think it is supposed to hit 70 degrees today. The perfect weather for my planned 5 miler. Also, anytime the weather gets warm like that (which is a lot) I get my hopes up that spring is just around the corner.... Annnddd then we have a day that is rainy and 40 degrees and I think, "Hmmm, maybe not." (Did you catch my Pitch Perfect reference? Anyone? If you didn't you must watch that movie immediately if not sooner. Love it!)

5. Liam and I are off to start our 4 day weekend right. We are headed to my friend Brandy's. She is hosting a Stella and Dot Trunk Show/ morning play date. Yay! Wes, I swear I won't buy anything too much ;)

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

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