Holy crap it's Friday. And also, for all you non-alcoholics out there who may not know, it is National Margarita Day!
I am in full support of an official holiday to celebrate this yummy beverage.
Here is what has been going on in our world this week.....
~ On Tuesday Noah announced two things. The first being, "Mama, I have a goal. My goal is to read all the Magic Tree House books on my shelf." (In case you were wondering, my goal for the week was to drink less wine.) The other thing he said was this: "Mama, you know what I want? I really just want peace. Like, I just want there to be peace all the time, with everybody." (FYI, my follow up to the statement, You know what I want? is almost always followed by something quite a bit more shallow than world peace.) Don't you love it when your children make you feel like you need to reexamine yourself as a person???
* In all seriousness, I love him all the more when he says sweet things like that.
~ What else? Oh yeah! I finished an amazing book this week. The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.
My Mom happens to be old friends with the author's mother, and so she has been telling me to read it for a long time. For some reason I kept putting it off. Now that I've read it I feel stupid for having waited so long. It tells the story of two teenagers with cancer and how they live and love while dealing with their disease. Make no mistake, this is no sappy weep-fest. It is a very honest, and at times funny, portrayal of how a teenager goes through having cancer. It is one of those books that is so perfectly written that you wish that the characters were actual people that you could stalk on the Internet, find out where they live, track them down and tell them just how cool you think they are. Read it.
~ I somehow managed to not get dressed in actual clothes all week long. Even to go to work I ended up in workout clothes. I am in a serious winter funk I guess. I can't even find the will power to put together a good outfit anymore. I wish I could look like this everyday...
But instead, I look like this. (But less cute)....
~ I ran 5 miles on Wednesday in beautiful weather, 3 miles yesterday in beautiful weather... And it is looking like I will be running 3 miles this morning in disgusting rain and cold. Ugh.
Good thing it is National Margarita Day, huh? Happy Weekend everybody :)
Chocolate Almond Flour Protein Bars
3 days ago
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