Monday, February 25, 2013

"Somebody's Got A Case of the Mondays!"

I have got a serious case of the Mondays.

Office Space. Anyone???

Anyway. It's Monday. The weekend went by way too fast as usual. What did we do? Hmm, let's see...

Friday night play date at my friend Katy's where we celebrated Margarita Day with these.

Noah had his last basketball game on Saturday. He has improved so much since the beginning of the season and we are very proud of him. Soccer will start next month and, while I enjoyed watching all the basketball fun, I am stoked to watch him play soccer again.

Saturday evening we took the boys out to our favorite Mexican place, Senor Tequila. Noah was so tired from his grueling day of playing - and then watching - basketball, that he promptly feel asleep in the booth. Meanwhile, Liam explored different ways of using his forks as weapons.

Sunday was a beautiful day. Sunny and 70 degrees. It was so enjoyable after all the rain we had. We spent Sunday afternoon celebrating our buddy Connor's 2nd birthday.

Please look closely at the birthday boy next to Liam. Every time we yelled "Happy Birthday" or sang to him, he stuck his lip out and turned all pouty on us. Needless to say, his parents concluded that he doesn't care much for being the center of attention! It was hilarious.

And last but not last, Sunday evening we watched the Oscars. Well, kind of. I love the red carpet stuff, and then we tried to make it through some of the show, but it just goes on for too darn long. I am actually glad we ended up going to bed because I didn't have to see adorable Jennifer Lawrence fall on the stairs on the way to accept her award. You see, I have this weird thing where I can't stand to watch other people's awkward moments. For instance, when someone is giving a really bad acceptance speech and you can tell people in the audience are all, Wrap it up please I always mute the TV. I can only imagine how agitated I would have become if I had to watch her fall.

I was however, glad to hear she won. And she looked very pretty.

Also, these are two of my favorite dresses from last night.

Can you tell I like simplicity in my red carpet attire?

And, sorry, but what the heck was going on with Anne Hathaway?! From the neck up she looked very pretty, but from the neck down.... Well, let's just say that Wes' reaction sums it up pretty well. "What's wrong with her boobs??"

A quick perusal of assures me that I am not the only one who felt this way. No worries though, Anne has a pretty new golden statue to make her feel better about her terrible taste in dresses.

And while we're at it, please tell me Kristen Stewart, do you ever brush your hair?

Well, that's all I guess. It's time to stop playing judgemental fashion critic and go back to living the dream folding laundry.


caycee said...

Can not believe y'all had lime-a-ritas without me!!! And girl I feel asleep 10 minutes into the Oscars ha!

Kelly Shealy said...

Ha! Glad to know I'm not alone in my inability to stay up past 9!! And tell Todd no date night this Friday and we can have a lime-a-rita do over!!